Talk:Charles Aznavour

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Greatest hits?

What's the point of the "greatest hits" section of this article? It is a track list of one of his albums. What kind of valuable information does that bring across? I suggest that it is removed. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 12:54, 31 August 2009 (UTC)[reply]

We can keep it to show an example of his more successfull songs, as he's a Foreigner Artist. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Bespin74 (talkcontribs) 17:42, 6 January 2010 (UTC)[reply]


List of his biggest hits? Pete/Pcb21 (talk) 10:35, 8 Mar 2004 (UTC)

Yes, a discography is missing. Añoranza 06:42, 4 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Best Hits added Armatura 13:50, 11 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Charles Aznavour Este, probabil, Cele mai cunoscut artist francez - renumit in toata lumea este pentru melodiile de dragoste pe de îngrijire le-a Scris ŞI cantat, ce par sa încorporeze esenţa cântecului francez populare si, de asemenea, vânzarea pentru apariţiile în Filme, CA Trage Piano Player, Candy, SI Tin Drum.

Statutul lui de icon al Culturii populare franceze Este o ironie de îngrijire pentru om ONU SE identificarea Cel mai îndeaproape Cu mostenirea SA armeana.Si-o Ro debutul, pe Scena ŞI pe ecran, la vârsta de Nouă ani, în 1933, în Piesa de Teatru "Un Bon Petite diable" SI, în filmul "La Guerre des Gosses".

La sfarsitul anului 1935, Charles interpreteaza rolul lui Henric al III-lea Alături de actrita Yvonne Printemps în filmul regizat de Pierre Fresnay. În Timpul adolescentei il intalneste pe Pierre Roche, pianist si compozitor Tânăr, caruia i se alatura si formeaza duo-ul Aznavour şi Roche. APAR în spectacole de cabaret in Franta si Belgia.

Un depăşească învăţat sa-si temerile in legatura Cu vocale vânzare limitele, în Parte Mare, Cu ajutorul legendarei cantarete Edith Piaf, de îngrijire pentru un CA Sofer lucrat, printre Alte Activitati; Cu ajutorul ei, el o grijă dezvoltat ONU Stil SA potrivit abilităţilor lui si o continuat sa scrie Cantece, unele dintre îngrijire Fost interpretate au pair de Edith Piaf - Les Compagnos de la Chanson. Primul cantec Scris de Aznavour pentru George Ulmer, "J'ai bu", un castigat Premiul "Discul anului".

În 1947 se alatura cantaretei Edith Piaf turneu Mare Intr-ONU în Franta, IAR Mai tarziu o insoteste la stat pentru o serie de spectacole din New York. Traverseaza granita in Canada si se stabileste in Quebec Tier sustine spectacole la Gold Fazan Impreuna Cu Club Roche Timp de 40 de saptamani, 11 spectacole pe Saptamana Cu peste 600 de persoane prezente la perle fiecare spectacol.

Influentat de Edith Piaf, el renunta la colaborarea Cu Roche si se alatura editorului Muzical Raoul Breton, Alături de îngrijire a compune Je Hais les Dimanches pentru Juliette Greco, precum si pentru Cantece Maurice Chevalier. În câţiva ani scurt, jurnalist francez ONU un Scris: "Franta un completat Fost Aznavourizata". Nu exista concert în Franta în îngrijire SA Nu-ţi fie ruşine interpretata macar o Piesa scrisa de Charles Aznavour. Cu toate ca mass-media era indragostita de cantecele lui, gaseau EI Vocea artistului inacceptabila, SAU IAR stilul de cantaret si actor non - comercial.

În 1954, Charles avea Mai Mult de 30 de piese de succes, compuse de el. Dupa 3 saptamani in grija Este atractia Principala La Alhambra din Paris, CEI DIN Industria Muzicala franceza au pair inteles ca se poate Conta pe Aznavour. Acum, el inregistreaza, scrie, canta si danseaza (Ma Jeunesse, Parce Que, Au creux de Mon epaule, ma Sur Vie, apres L'amour).

În 1958, joaca lei Intr-ONU dramatice, cel al unui epileptic version filmul lui George Franju, "La Tete Contre les Muirs". DE, EL asemenea un compus muzica pentru filmul lui Alex Joff - Du Rififi Chez Les Femmes în 1958; de acolo, el un trecut la roluri Mai Mari, în Filme Mai Bune, including filmul lui Cocteau-Testament Jean de Orfeu ŞI François Truffaut - Trage Piano Player. Ultimul film Trage-Piano Player la transformat pe stele Aznavour Intr-ONU de cinematografe din Franta si este deschis Calea catre America.

În 1963, Charles Este protagonistul unui spectacol la Carnagie Hall din New York. Criticii pacta sunt entuziasmati. Urmeaza turneul Mondial, dupa concertele sustinute in Liban, Grecia si Africa de Nord, urmeaza Uniunea Sovietica (fostul URSS). Vinde Mai Mult de un milion de albume La Mamma. În 1965, concerteaza pe Olympia Timp de 12 saptamani, acompaniat de o orchestra cunoscuta lui Paul Mauriat. Dupa o scurta calatorie în stat, se intoarce În Pentru Paris o organizarea SAU Primul spectacol de Opereta-Domnule Carnavalul de la Chatelet. Incepe ONU turneu Mondial Nou, date de aceasta în Canada, Martinica, Guadelupa, Maroc, Spania, Portugalia, Angola si în final, Africa de Sud.

În 1971, Aznavour Este Distribuit Alături de Michel Constantin si Raymond Pellegrin în filmul partea leului. Single-ul "Old Fashioned Way" ajunge pe Locul 1 în topuri.

În noiembrie 1972, Charles sustine spectacole la Sala Olympia din Paris, Timp de 6 saptamani - 3 saptamani interpreteaza melodii Noi si în celelalte trei saptamani delecteaza publicul Cu o mai mare hit-uri Colectie. În melodia "I acţionează ca travestitii", Aznavour indrazneste sa dezbata Subiect controversat al ONU -. În 1964, primeste Premiul pentru Cel mai Brumel Bine imbracat artist pop. "În seara asta Aznavour-de la trecut la prezent" - este inregistrat ONU retrospectiv album live la Olympia si includ CA piese, Il faut Savoir, ma Sur Vie, Viens au pair creux de Mon Epaule, Cu Ea, Charles castiga discul de aur în Londra , gasesc Primul artist francez de îngrijire reuseste aceasta performanata. Este cel Mare Mai Ambasador al Frantei peste Hotare.

La inceputul anului 1975, paraseste Franta pentru o serie de Concerte în Japonia. În luna noiembrie pentru un acelasi una, un recital sustinut ONU Regal Regina Elisabeta.

Dupa o grupa A de 3 ani, Aznavour ISI se confruntă cu o Aparitie triumfatoare la Olympia Tier sustine spectacole Timp de 4 saptamani. El stralucitoare sunt o revenire pe Scena Muzicala pariziana Cu piese ca Noi, Voila Que Tu Reviens, Gurmandise Par, Mes Emmerdes si Merci Madame La Vie. Pentru Charles Azvnavour lucrurile MERG PE Bine ambele parti ale Atlanticului-Ray Cahrles inregistreaza La Mamma, Shirley Bassey si Fred Astaire inregistreaza Old Fashioned Way, Liza Minelli IAR inca interpreteaza multe DIN vânzare piesele. Charles Aznavour confirma puterea vocii si talentului Cu o SAU Camarade-o melodie Cu sensibilitate Devine ce a lovit rapidă ONU. 1977, ONU Este un plin în îngrijirea il gasim pe Charles concertand Tari în CA, Iugoslavia, Italia, Germania si Canada. 1978 Este inca ONU pentru un deosebit Aznavour-Inca o datelor el concerteaza la Olympia, Tier ISI intalneste publicul iubit pe voi grija seduce Nou Cu DIN vânzare melodiile Noi si Vechi Timp de 4 saptamani. Noul album, "Je n'ai pas vu Le Temps Passer", include melodiile, "J'ai vu la Paris", "La Chanson du Faubourg", "Dieu", "Avant le Guerre". Anii de îngrijire AU urmat au pair Fost plini de succes pentru artist, el un compus, o cantat, o concertat si inregistrat o în 81 de Tari DIN intreaga Lume. În 1981, inregistreaza albumul Charles Aznavour cântă Dimey. În perioada aceasta, dupa 40 de ani de Cariera în muzica, colectia de Materiale eră discografice de 600 de melodii si inregistrate peste 1000 de piese compuse.

În 1988, în urma unui cutremur puternic în Armenia, incepe actiunea Aznavour-Aznavour pentru Armenia. 89 de Artisti inregistreaza melodia For You si Armenia, dupa numai o Saptamana de la lansare ajunge pe Locul 1 si ramane in Top 50, 13 saptamani. S-au vandut 2 milioane de exemplare numai in Franta. În 1989, albumul lansat Nou Este ONU - Greatest Hits ". Cand cineva la intrebat de vânzare pe Aznavour Despre planurile de Viitor, acesta un raspuns: Nu am nici planul ONU. Am O Viata de umplut - se tăia ca acesta Este numai inceputul. În 1991, apare pe Scena Alături de Liza Minelli-in spectacole sustinute la New York, Washington, Toronto si Montreal. În Decembrie 1994, sustine concerte excepţionale ONU din Viena Alături de Placido Domingo. 1998-ONU turneu Nou-4 saptamani pe Broadway, din New York, Eveniment ONU pentru UNIC artist francez al ONU, o Saptamana în Los Angeles, două spectacole la Moscova la Kremlin si 2 din Sankt Petersbourg. În 2004, în perioada 16 aprilie-22 Mai de la CEI 80 ANI AI SAI, Charles Aznavour concerteaza la Palais des Congres Urmand turneu apoi ONU din Franta si Belgia.

Aznavour AR Fi Ultimul CEI îngrijire S-AR Cu comparativă PE îngrijire ii considerabil adevarati vocalisti talentati, cum AR Fi Sinatra ŞI Mel Torme, el preferând sa se gândească la sine ca compozitor la ONU, de îngrijire de asemenea, se întâmplă sa cânte. Stilul lui de o interpretare o Fost Cu adesea comparat Maurice Chevalier ŞI Frank Sinatra ŞI Extrem rămas un artist ONU de popular si iubit Timp de multe decenii.

Overly Armenian?

dont get me wrong, i like how Aznavour is proudly Armenian and i support Armenians vehemently, but Aznavour did make his career in France and there is no illustration of his star power in France. Perhaps finding picture that justifies fair use of him singing at a popular French venue would be appropriate, as every single picture of Aznavour currently relates to Armenia.

otherwise, the article is quite well written. :-)

--OettingerCroat 05:10, 23 October 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Off course you're right! As Aznavour asks: "Im an 100% Armenian and an 100% French"! All 3 photoes are uploaded here by me:) (the second one is from Paris, 1920's). The problem is I cant find any free photo of Aznavour from France (all are copyrighted) and one of them (performing of "La Boheme", "Olympia") was deleted previously. And Armenian ones are easier to use, as we have permissions. If you find any other which have no copyright problems it will be fine! Andranikpasha 12:48, 23 October 2007 (UTC)[reply], pls use the talk before the deletion of any info. Andranikpasha (talk) 15:44, 16 February 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Does he have Armenian nationality? —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 13:00, 12 November 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Yes, Charles Aznavour has accepted an honorary Armenian citizenship in December 2008 (at age 85). He remains a French citizen, though. However, his newly acquired dual FRench/Armenian citizenship made it possible for him to accept being appointed as the ambassador of Armenia to Switzerland. This is not such a big surprise. Indeed, the position is mostly honorary rather than intensely political (which he has many times over affirmed being unwilling to commit to). Aznavour spends much of his vacation time away from France, in Switzerland. He is well-known there as well. So, the honorary ambassador position, especially at his age, comes at the perfect time in the perfect location. Lifetime fans of "Azna" like myself are delighted to see that his roots and leaves are coming closer. Vas-y mon p'tit Charles! On est tous avec toi! —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 04:45, 13 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]
He was not just a citizen of Armenia, but worked as an Armenian ambassador for more than 20 years. So his Armenian nationality should be included in the article. Aramjan11 (talk) 11:02, 29 August 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Christmas in Vienna

i added a great screenshot of Aznavour from the Vienna concert in 1994, hope you guys enjoy it! note: the picture must stay in the location where it is, due to fair use requirements.

Aznavour's Armenian name cant be replaced with an OC. Also he's not only an officier of Canada. Andranikpasha (talk) 16:57, 4 July 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Andranik, it has nothing to do with the removal of his Armenian name. On the contrary, his Armenian name should indeed be on there, I agree. However, as the article on the Order of Canada confirms, the post-nominal letters can be used after the inductee's name, regardless of rank within the order or nationality. So do not remove this pertinent information. --OettingerCroat (talk) 12:34, 22 September 2012 (UTC)[reply]


One of Aznavour'a main attributes is described in the introduction as being his shortness of height. Is this appropriate? Shouldn't this opinion be referenced to a reliable source? I do not personally dispute that Azanavour is short. (Nor that he's a giant of an artist!) But I wonder if such subjective assessments can be made by the Wiki contributors themselves, without a reference. -The Gnome (talk) 10:50, 10 July 2010 (UTC)[reply]

He made a feature of his short stature in his act, so yes it is relevant.Gymnophoria (talk) 10:47, 6 March 2023 (UTC)[reply]


I think the discography section should be moved to new article, as it is too long, and makes this article looks ugly. Vanjagenije (talk) 16:39, 21 July 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Agree. Merits separate entry as the catalogue of world reknown artist's works; un-clutters root entry page. -The Gnome (talk) 06:48, 23 July 2010 (UTC)[reply]

"Karavan Istoriy" as a source

A Georgian IP (better known as Biographyspot, and in the last time as user Aferum) time after time startes to push this Russian journal [1] as a reliable source on Aznavour's descent. This women's journals is not a reliable source, it writes mostly about scandals and never positiones itself as a serious source (see [2]). It was also criticized and deleted in Russian Wiki [3]. By other side, we have many official biographies (including the cited sources and "Le temps des avants" book) of Aznavour where he mentions that his father was an Armenian from Georgia with roots from Erzeroum, Western Armenia. Gazifikator (talk) 06:48, 7 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]


Gazifikator, please explain why are you reverting my change which is well sourced? Aferum (talk) 11:33, 30 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]

it is very poorly sourced. see the explanation below. this is a 'yellow' journal with a lot of mistakes in translation like "half-Georgian half-Armenian" in place of "Georgian-Armenian" and "half-Turkish half-Armenian" in place of "Turkish Armenian". A silly translation... And no any Reliable source claims any Georgian or Turkish descent for Aznavour, while many of them (included the cited ones) prove his father Micha Aznavourian (as well as his mother) was an Armenian. Gazifikator (talk) 14:16, 30 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Read the MOS:BIO Gazifikator.

Norum 00:15, 11 June 2012 (UTC)[reply]


Since he was born in France to Armenian immigrant parents and holds French citizenship and only an honourary Armenian citizenship, this is enough to have him listed as "French" only. Having him listed as French-Armenian is a clear violation of MOS: BIO. Therefore I will revert it to the proper version. MOS: BIO

Context (location, nationality, or ethnicity);

1. In most modern-day cases this will mean the country of which the person is a citizen, national or permanent resident, or if notable mainly for past events, the country where the person was a citizen, national or permanent resident when the person became notable.

2. Ethnicity or sexuality should not generally be emphasized in the opening unless it is relevant to the subject's notability. Similarly, previous nationalities or the country of birth should not be mentioned in the opening sentence unless they are relevant to the subject's notability.

Norum 23:50, 10 June 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Is Aznavour even a French sitizen. Retyp (talk) 14:58, 11 June 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Yes, he is. And only an honourary Armenian citizen which doesn't mean much. Norum 20:03, 11 June 2012 (UTC)[reply]
He is a full Armenian citizen. Retyp (talk) 20:14, 11 June 2012 (UTC)[reply]
It says he was given an honourary citizenship. Just like Jim Belushi was given an honourary Albanian citizenship, yet you don't consider him to be an Albanian-American actor. Norum 20:49, 11 June 2012 (UTC)[reply]
In Armenia we havent honorary citizenship [4][5], it is an error, which means he is a honored person (as well as Vazgen I was honored). "In December 2008, Charles Aznavour was made an official citizen of Armenia by the Armenian head of state, Serge Sarkissian. On 12 February, the singer agreed to become Armenian ambassador to Switzerland." [6] And such citizens shall "have all the rights and obligations of regular Armenian nationals." [7]Retyp (talk) 06:13, 12 June 2012 (UTC)[reply]

1. In most modern-day cases this will mean the country of which the person is a citizen, national or permanent resident, or if notable mainly for past events, the country where the person was a citizen, national or permanent resident when the person became notable.

So how is getting an Armenian citizenship significant in this case? Aznavour became an Armenian citizen in 2008 and his first album was released in 1953. He had French citizenship at that point already. He became notable long before he became an Armenian citizen. Therefore, this proves my point. Norum 03:13, 13 June 2012 (UTC)[reply]

  • It proves nothing. He is an Armenian Ambassador, isnt it enough notable? Retyp (talk) 13:43, 13 June 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Read the MOS:BIO before you start making posts. He was already notable way before gaining Armenian citizenship. You argument is invalid. You lose. Norum 03:07, 14 June 2012 (UTC)[reply]

This conversation has become quite aggressive. Saying things like "you lose" is not really very helpful - the idea is to improve the article rather than clash with other editors. As for Aznavour, he is known internationally as a French singer but in France, to say nothing of Armenia, his Armenian origins are a big part of his public profile, because he has campaigned on Armenian causes since 1988. You are also incorrect to state that his Armenian nationality is "honourary" because there is no such thing. In fact, Aznavour fulfills functions for the Armenian government: he is their representative in Switzerland and to the Swiss office of the UN. For these reasons, I think describing him as "French and Armenian" rather than the more ambiguous "Armenian-French" is the most appropriate. Mezigue (talk) 09:23, 14 June 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Trying to explain things to Retyp is like hitting the wall with your head. I agree, it does ned to be forumlated a little differently instead of French-Armenian. Norum 13:25, 14 June 2012 (UTC)[reply]

I think it should be put up to a vote to decide how should it be written. Norum 05:37, 15 June 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Over a decade ago, but seems to be the only in-depth discussion here. Users "Retyp" and "Norum" have since been blocked/banned as sock puppet accounts or other reasons. Personally, I think describing as just "French" or "French" and noting that he was granted Armenian citizenship near the end of his life is the better wording. His birth, death and the country where he first gained notability in were all in France. And his Armenian citizenship was within the last decade of his life. We already have it covered throughout the lede section that he was granted Armenian citizenship and did some work in the country.
Furthermore, it seems like only three users (two of which are now banned) participated in this discussion. One suggested "French-Armenian", another "French and Armenian" and another just "French". I do not see an RFC in here and there are no archives of his talk page, so I've reverted it to just "French" until this can be truly settled. Clear Looking Glass (talk) 03:20, 20 March 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Sock edit war?

OptimusView makes the same edits and reverts as Retyp/Gazifikator did. Is OV another one of Gazifikator's socks? Antique RoseDrop me a line 23:45, 15 June 2012 (UTC)[reply]

It was found to be unlikely: Wikipedia:Sockpuppet investigations/Gazifikator/Archive#12 June 2012. Brandmeistertalk 11:14, 16 June 2012 (UTC)[reply]

What about the Muppets guest star appearance

Charles Aznavour appeared on the Muppets show, season 1, episode 9. Did not see that listed under film (or TV) credits. January 15, 1977 airdate. I would add it, the muppets roster of guest stars is impressive. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 06:41, 3 December 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Children and Marriages

In 1952 Aznavour had a son, Charles, by his first wife, Micheline. This son is not listed in the article. Is there some reason for this? If not, he should be included.

In addition, Aznavour's children are not listed in the order in which they were born. I think they should be. The birth order is: Séda, Charles, Patrick, Katia, Mischa and Nicholas. I have listed them accordingly.

Aznavour's first and second wives are not named in the article. This seems odd to me because it can be interpreted to imply some unstated reason for the exclusions. I think the full names of all three should be given, or none at all. I vote for including them all, and have done so in an emendation to the text.MarilynConant (talk) 20:36, 29 January 2013 (UTC)[reply]


What is the OC OQ doing in the introduction? Should this be deleted? Robert (talk) 16:49, 28 December 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Birth name

According to the book The Film Encyclopedia edited by Ephraim Katz and published by HarperCollins says his birth name is "Shahnour Varenagh Aznavourian", see here. This spelling is also used by Transatlantic Passages: Literary and Cultural Relations between Quebec and Francophone Europe, published by the McGill-Queen's University Press, see here. Historian Richard G. Hovannisian as well uses "Varenagh" [8] So does the Encyclopedia of Contemporary French Culture published by Routledge [9]

The Embassy of the Republic of Armenia in Switzerland spells it "Shahnourh Varinag Aznavourian". I don't think this source can be taken seriously versus all other published sources. --Երևանցի talk 05:56, 5 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]

And the Armenian Encyclopedia uses Vaghenag [10]. The Herald Scotland [11], The Armenian Weekly [12], Agos, Anadolu Agency, Panarmenian [13] and many others do the same. As well as historian Rouben Paul Adalian in the Eastern Armenian form of Vaghinak [14]. Why the Official site of an Embassy can not be taken seriously? It is the only official source citing Ambassador's birth name. Or Wiki rules say I'm not right? Lkahd (talk) 06:35, 5 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Most of your sources are newspaper, while my sources are published books. And I just noticed that the embassy site spells it "Shahnourh Varinag Aznavourian", so why are you even using it as a source for "Vaghinag"? --Երևանցի talk 06:43, 5 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]
You see how dubious your actions were. So it is better to start from the talk. We can ask for a third opinion. Lkahd (talk) 06:59, 5 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]
That's a pretty reasonable argument to falsify sources. Vaghinag is not in the given source, therefore you need to present reliable sources, not me. If you have any problem with published sources, please refer to the Wikipedia:Reliable sources/Noticeboard. --Երևանցի talk 07:13, 5 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Pushing unexplained and unconsensused material in such an incivil manner is not good. And please do not delete Ducretet Thomson as you have no explanation. Please read WP:IDIDNTHEARTHAT, WP:BLPPRIVACY and WP:3RR. Lkahd (talk) 10:50, 5 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Instead of accusing me in "pushing unexplained and unconsensused material", you should first read the sources you add. Have a nice day! --Երևանցի talk 15:38, 5 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]

What makes a man a man

The song "What makes a man a man" is about homosexuality, sung from the perspective of a cabaret drag artist. It's not about transgenderism. The article even quotes Aznavour talking about the song in reference to homosexuality. Gymnophoria (talk) 10:47, 6 March 2023 (UTC)[reply] links

According to RFC the following links have been automatically removed from the article:


GA Review

This review is transcluded from Talk:Charles Aznavour/GA1. The edit link for this section can be used to add comments to the review.

Reviewer: Zanimum (talk · contribs) 22:00, 7 October 2014 (UTC)[reply]

I'll review. -- Zanimum (talk) 22:00, 7 October 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Partial review for now.

Before I actually review the article, I must say "wow", 51 languages have articles on Charles. That really underlines his significance.

Okay, one thing you might consider is a notes section, through the <ref group="notes"> function. It could be used to isolate interesting facts (CA's meeting with Perez, Dylan's review of CA, etc) away from the main narrative, but still keep them accessible. None of these asides cripples the article as it is, but they can be distracting.


This section is very recent-skewing. If you ignore other people recording CA's songs, the first date is 1994. If you ignore collaborations, the first date is 2006. A variety of the things you talk about in this section would be notable in an article about his career in the 21st century, but they're blips in the 1946 to present scheme of things. Stuff like

  • "as of December 2013": this needs to be updated, with a current reference. "the world over" is a little too flowery for WP, worldwide or internationally might be better suited.Done: I removed the December 2013 stuff. Also, I removed the flowery words as well.
  • Reorder the 2008 paragraph; you talk about a tour ending in February, a TV appearance in January, and then touring the rest of the year. Flop the first two sentences. Done
  • "Order of Canada and performed the following day" --> "Order of Canada. He performed the following day" Done
  • "music video band aid (clip)" --> what's clip there for? Done: Removed "(clip)" also made some clarifications to the sentence.

Awards and recognition

  • 2010, honourary order, who issued this? France, Russia, an organization? Done: Award was received from Russia. I also changed to reference to reflect that.

Passing "Discography", "Filmography".

Documentary films

  • The Muppet Show is a documentary? Even if it was hosted by an actual amphibian, variety shows are planned and scripted, documentaries generally aren't. Done: I put it under films. If you disagree we can try something else.

@EtienneDolet:: More later, but you can begin to revise now, if you'd like. -- Zanimum (talk) 18:00, 12 October 2014 (UTC)[reply]

@Zanimum: Thank you very much for the review. I did the changes you've requested thus far. Let me know you think. Étienne Dolet (talk) 01:49, 14 October 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Placing this back in the queue since Zanimum's clearly abandoned this. Wizardman 04:14, 21 November 2014 (UTC)[reply]

GA Review

This review is transcluded from Talk:Charles Aznavour/GA2. The edit link for this section can be used to add comments to the review.

Reviewer: Ritchie333 (talk · contribs) 16:12, 1 December 2014 (UTC)[reply]

It's a shame the previous review was abandoned, but I'm happy to carry on. I have to admit my experience of the man is mainly hearing "She" in various arrangements at weddings, and thinking how unlike Serge Gainsbourg he is, so hopefully I'll learn something en route.

The first thing that strikes me as odd is that the article is only 16K of prose. For a major international star having decades of success, I would have thought the amount of prose to cover his entire career to be more. I think I might need further investigation into this, as I'd expect a ballpark figure to be closer to 25-30K.

Specific comments will follow. Ritchie333 (talk) (cont) 16:12, 1 December 2014 (UTC)[reply]


  • I assume from the opening sentence that Charles Aznavour is still not his legal name? Although stage names are often not legally changed, as a naturalised Frenchman, there could be cause for him doing so well before he achieved fame.
  • "Aznavour is known for his unique tenor" - the body, however, says it "is shaded towards the tenor range, but possesses the low range and coloration more typical of a baritone". Although sourced to the New York Times, it may be simpler to drop "tenor"
  • "clear and ringing in its upper reaches, with gravelly and profound low notes" - this really needs a full explanation in the body to be appropriate for the lead
  • "and sold well over 100 million records (as of 2001)" - do we have a more up to date figure?
  • "He is one of" - for new paragraphs I tend to prefer restating the noun again, in this case "Aznavour is one of" (same issue in the next paragraph)
  • "He is also arguably the most famous Armenian of his time" - I'd recommend removing this, as a quick spin through Lists of Armenians suggests there are lots of "famous" people who may contest that view
  • "edging out Elvis Presley and Bob Dylan" - "ahead of Elvis Presley and Bob Dylan" sounds better
  • "with his long-time friend impresario Levon Sayan" - should be a comma between "friend" and "impresario"
  • "as well as Armenia's permanent delegate to the United Nations at Geneva" - this fact is not in the body
  • "He started his most recent tour in 2014." - I'd probably leave this out of the lead; it will go out of date if left alone
  • There doesn't seem to be any basic biographical details in the lead, being more of a general list of accomplishments. I would expect Édith Piaf's influence to be listed somewhere

Life and career


  • File:Knarazn.jpg is marked as {{PD-US}}, implying it was published before January 1, 1923 - 16 months before Aznavour was born. This needs fixing otherwise the image is at risk of being deleted.
  • "Aznavour was born with the name" - just "Aznavour was born" will suffice
  • Using three citations to cite the individual components of his birth name is quite jarring and makes the prose difficult to read. It would be simpler to put the citations at the end of the sentence (the Embassy of the Republic of Armenia in Switzerland source is already there as it is)
  • What makes a reliable source?
  • appears to be a wiki, which I assume can be edited by anyone without strict editorial control or fact checking. This source cannot be used.
  • "Michael Aznavourian sang in restaurants" - just "Michael" will do here, per WP:LASTNAME the family name cannot be used as it is ambiguous, so the first name is used instead
  • "Caucasian" wikilinking to Peoples of the Caucasus sounds like an odd choice of link
  • The source citing most of the first paragraph is a dead link. The Embassy source could be used here as it documents some of the claims made.
  • "His big break came in" - I'm not sure "big break" is a good term to use here, and in any instance it duplicates information in the next section. This sentence should be removed.


  • Since no other member of his family had the name Aznavour, per WP:LASTNAME, that should be the case here ie : no "Charles"
  • "Meanwhile, Aznavour wrote his first song" - presumably, given the context, this was his first solo-written song, in which case it should be clarified as such
  • "Piaf helped Aznavour develop" .. to avoid repetition, "She helped Aznavour develop"
  • "a distinctive voice that stimulated the best of his abilities" - this claim is a little vague. What was "distinctive" about the voice exactly?
  • "Sometimes described as "France's Frank Sinatra",[10] Aznavour sings frequently" ... this paragraph seems to read too much like a fan's point of view
  • The narrative seems to skip from 1950, briefly to 1974 to mention "She" and some events in the 1990s, while the bulk of the biography is concerned with events from 2006 onwards. Per WP:RECENTISM, this doesn't appear to be focused. The 1960s and 1970s, surely when he was enjoying major success, seem to be largely glossed over.


  • This section is unsourced

Armenia and abroad

  • This section is unsourced


  • This section has some unsourced ends of paragraphs

Dubbing Le Pen "far-right" makes little sense except if you assume the Left Wing approach is correct. She could easily be considered a French populist or nationalist in the sense that she is pro-French culture and against the wave of globalism which swept Europe in its EU fervor. On the other hand, it is true that Wikipedia leans toward the Left and so that is perhaps the reasoning. This all depends on whether Wikipedia aspires to be politically neutral (thus far, it appears not). — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 15:22, 18 July 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Awards and recognition



I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, particularly after you've waited so long for a review, but I see several major problems with this article that I think are going to prevent us from it meeting the GA criteria in a short timespan. Key issues are the lack of breadth of coverage, problems with recentism leading to a lack of focus, some issues with images, and some questionable or missing references.

To do the article justice, I think we need some quality sources that cover Aznavour's career in depth. I can see some coverage in Encyclopedia of Music in the 20th Century and Portraits of Hope: Armenians in the Contemporary World, but without a good biography (and I suspect if there is one, it will be in French), documenting a balanced account of his career would involve undertaking the level of research required for such a biography, and that unfortunately looks to be a really hard sell.

So I think I'm going to have to fail the review at this time. Sorry.Ritchie333 (talk) (cont) 17:31, 1 December 2014 (UTC)[reply]

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Son Charles

An unregistered editor removed the (then unreferenced) supposed second child of Charles Aznavour, his son "Charles". I did find references such as Femme Actuelle [15] or Gala [16], though the latter comments on how little is known about the son Charles. The editor also linked to a very recent Facebook post by Seda Aznavour stating that "this son 'Charles' whom we've all heard being talked about for a while has never existed. My dear father only had five children. Seda, Patrick, Katia, Mischa and Nicolas. This is for your information as many of his fans are asking me to tell them about 'Charles'." ([17], my unauthorized translation)

I restored the article for now and added one of the references given above (also the number would have to be changed from "six" to "five").

I can't verify the authenticity of the Facebook post's author nor do I know whether it would suffice as a source anyway, but I do think it's worth looking into, as we certainly don't wish to perpetuate something that isn't factual, even if it's all over the media. ---Sluzzelin talk 13:21, 10 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Many thanks. I see that the article at French wikipedia, fr:Charles Aznevour, also has son Charles and supports with this ref: "magazine Biographie No. 3., décembre 2012, "… il a le bonheur d'être à nouveau père d'un petit garçon, prénommé Charles", article de Lucie Benhamou." Martinevans123 (talk) 15:45, 10 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]
It's being discussed at fr.wikipedia too: Discussion:Charles Aznavour#Nombre d'enfants. Yet, Myloufa, this edit definitely requires a source. (So, thanks Martinevans123, for adding 'citation needed'). ---Sluzzelin talk 14:48, 13 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Yes, although looking at fr:Yves Salgues it looks like he wrote abut his heroin use himself. Martinevans123 (talk) 14:52, 13 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]
No doubt he was an addict, but the part of him having "invented" the son named Charles needs sources. And if there is a connection between his addiction and his alleged fabrication, that would require a reference as well. Else, why even mention his addiction here? ---Sluzzelin talk 14:57, 13 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]
The question would be if we can find good sources to proves that Charles Jr. exists. The only sources we can find are vague and weak. Also, a lot of proofs suggests otherwise; all the pictures of «Charles Jr.» are, in fact, pictures of Patrick, the other son. --Myloufa Discuss ou make Appeal? 22:00, 13 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]
I didn't know we had any pictures. Martinevans123 (talk) 22:02, 13 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]
This is a picture of Patrick and his father and this is a picture of Seda, Charles and "Charles Jr." if this is not Patrick on the two pictures, then I don't know who that is. --Myloufa Discuss ou make Appeal? 22:13, 13 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Yes, I'd say that was the same boy. I think we'd also want to see pictures of him as an adult, if he is supposed to have lived to adulthood. Martinevans123 (talk) 22:18, 13 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]
We still have to find a reliable source discussing the biographer's error, or even just the error. Until then, are there reliable sources listing the five siblings as the complete number of children by name, year of birth, etc., without even mentioning Charles Jr.? ---Sluzzelin talk 00:21, 14 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]