List of MeSH codes (E01)

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The following is a partial list of the "E" codes for Medical Subject Headings (MeSH), as defined by the United States National Library of Medicine (NLM).

This list continues the information at List of MeSH codes (D27). Codes following these are found at List of MeSH codes (E02). For other MeSH codes, see List of MeSH codes.

The source for this content is the set of 2006 MeSH Trees from the NLM.

MeSH E01diagnosis

MeSH E01.158diagnosis, computer-assisted

MeSH E01.158.600image interpretation, computer-assisted

MeSH E01.171diagnosis, differential

MeSH E01.190diagnosis, dual (psychiatry)

MeSH E01.354diagnostic errors

MeSH E01.354.340false negative reactions

MeSH E01.354.506false positive reactions

MeSH E01.354.753observer variation

MeSH E01.370diagnostic techniques and procedures

MeSH E01.370.100breath tests

MeSH E01.370.350diagnostic imaging

MeSH E01.370.370diagnostic techniques, cardiovascular

MeSH E01.370.372diagnostic techniques, digestive system

MeSH E01.370.374diagnostic techniques, endocrine

MeSH E01.370.376diagnostic techniques, neurological

MeSH E01.370.378diagnostic techniques, obstetrical and gynecological

MeSH E01.370.380diagnostic techniques, ophthalmological

MeSH E01.370.382diagnostic techniques, otological

MeSH E01.370.384diagnostic techniques, radioisotope

MeSH E01.370.386diagnostic techniques, respiratory system

MeSH E01.370.388diagnostic techniques, surgical

MeSH E01.370.390diagnostic techniques, urological

MeSH E01.370.395diagnostic tests, routine

MeSH E01.370.400disability evaluation

MeSH E01.370.405electrodiagnosis

MeSH E01.370.450insufflation

MeSH E01.370.475kymography

MeSH E01.370.500mass screening

MeSH E01.370.510medical history taking

MeSH E01.370.520monitoring, physiologic

MeSH E01.370.530myography

MeSH E01.370.550neoplasm staging

MeSH E01.370.600physical examination

MeSH E01.370.610plethysmography

MeSH E01.370.620premarital examinations

MeSH E01.370.750skin tests

MeSH E01.370.760speech production measurement

MeSH E01.370.985xenodiagnosis

MeSH E01.390early diagnosis

MeSH E01.410incidental findings

MeSH E01.450laboratory techniques and procedures

MeSH E01.450.150clinical chemistry tests

MeSH E01.450.230cytodiagnosis

MeSH E01.450.375hematologic tests

MeSH E01.450.495immunologic tests

MeSH E01.450.520metabolic clearance rate

MeSH E01.450.560neonatal screening

MeSH E01.450.575occult blood

MeSH E01.450.600parasite egg count

MeSH E01.450.620pregnancy tests

MeSH E01.450.650radioligand assay

MeSH E01.450.855sex determination (analysis)

MeSH E01.450.865specimen handling

MeSH E01.450.870sperm count

MeSH E01.450.890urinalysis

MeSH E01.789prognosis

MeSH E01.789.200disease-free survival

MeSH E01.789.600medical futility

MeSH E01.789.700pregnancy outcome

MeSH E01.789.800treatment outcome

The list continues at List of MeSH codes (E02).